Our Vision
At the heart of everything we do at Restore is the phrase ‘engage, empower, equip.’ Our
purpose in our city is to engage the residents through real relationships; to empower
them through identifying potential, talents, abilities, and calling; and to equip them
through training and resourcing.
We at Restore are all about relationships. Behind every
program, initiative, or project that we engage in is the desire to build deep and
lasting relationships with those around us. We believe that transformation happens
in people’s lives when they know their value and their worth, and the way to truly
learn this is in the context of healthy relationships. Mentoring is so essential to
what we do because we have witnessed over and over how individuals’ lives can
change when they know and believe that someone cares about them. The youth of
this city especially are full of potential and power to be the transformation that
Stockton needs, and it is our heart and our goal to pour into them relationally and give
them all the tools necessary to be the change that they wish to see.