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G.E.T. Mentoring

G.E.T. Mentoring started in August of 2013 after much praying, dreaming, and planning. It began with one location in downtown Stockton, the Teen Impact Center, and grew so quickly that after just a few months a second location was needed. The First Presbyterian Church of Stockton graciously opened their doors to the program, which allowed the number of youth attending weekly to jump from 45 to 90. After several years of fostering mentoring relationships through after school programs, G.E.T. Mentoring had an opportunity to move onto school campuses in August 2015 to maximize the connection between high schoolers and elementary-aged youth. During the 2015-2016 school year, G.E.T. Mentoring reached around 100 youth weekly at three different locations in Stockton, including El Dorado ElementaryFirst Presbyterian Church, and Health Careers Academy


     G.E.T. Mentoring pairs trained high school mentors with at-risk youth for focused times of leadership development, life skills training, relationship building, homework help, group games, and other activities. The high school mentors each have an adult mentor as well who pours into them and helps them navigate life. The significance of these relationships in the lives of the youth in Stockton cannot be measured.


     As we focus on these one-on-one relationships, we see significant improvement in the lives of the mentors and the mentees and we believe this will impact their entire lives. Meeting with a mentor on a one-on-one basis can build a sense of trust and stability for anelementary school youth that they may not experience anywhere else in their life.  The high school mentors encourage respect, integrity, and positive leadership among the youth. 

Restore is a 501c-3 public benefit non-profit organization
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